
Finches that may visit your garden

The Finches are small non-migratory passerines, with the exception of the Brambling which is a winter visitor, that are found in gardens and woodland and other habitats across the United Kingdom . Finches can be encouraged to garden bird tables and feeders by providing the right food, generally seeds, especially sunflower seed and mealworm . Click on a species to find out more, to hear their sounds and how best to attract them to your garden.

The Birdwatcher's Garden

Watching birds in your garden is the easiest way to make regular contact with wildlife. This manual demonstrates how to increase the attraction of your garden for birds by supplementing food, shelter, roosting and nesting sites that are available, to offer a safe haven for many species. It covers: the principles of sympathetic gardening for birds to flourish; constructing, siting and maintaining ponds; cultivating annuals, biennials, perennials and aquatic plants; organic gardening and conservation issues; avoiding potential hazards; and breeding and feeding habitats. All local habitats are covered, whether in cities, suburbs, a village or rural setting.

Birdwatcher's Garden

The most regular contact many people have with wildlife is the pleasure of watching birds in the garden. Increase the attraction of your garden for birds by supplementing the food, shelter, roosting and nesting sites that are available, and your garden will offer a safe haven for many species, both resident and migratory. Hazel and Pamela Johnson show the most effective means of ensuring that birds will flourish and also detail the principles of sympathetic gardening, discussing how best to enhance local habitats, whether in cities, suburbs, a village or rural setting. Even patios and balconies can be attractive and useful to birds. The authors share their experience of this, devoting a chapter to the particular concerns of small gardens. They also cover: constructing, siting and maintaining ponds; cultivating annuals, biennials, perennials and aquatic plants; organic gardening and conservation issues; avoiding potential hazards; and breeding and feeding habits.

The Bird-friendly Garden

The Bird-friendly Garden helps you to make your garden into a haven for birds, whether it's a balcony, a courtyard or simply a window ledge. Each style of garden features full-page garden plan illustration by Gill Tomblin. There is also a section on unusual gardens, such as those near the coast.

Each one is supplemented by suggestion for the best nest-boxes, feeders and bird-baths to install, as well as the best plants to cultivate. There is practical advice on:

how to care for the birds in your garden

how to provide protection from predators

identification guide

detailed plant directory

A bird calendar explains season-by-season the different birds you are likely to see in each type of garden, and the correct type of food to provide at different times of the year. The Bird-friendly Garden is the ideal book for all gardeners who enjoy watching birds.

The Complete Back Garden Birdwatcher

This book provides everything you need to watch and identify birds throughout the year, with practical advice on encouraging birds into your garden and how to avoid any problems that might arise. The book provides an illustrated identikit, which profiles a selection of common garden birds, followed by detailed sections on typical, easily observed behaviour, and a breakdown of the types of bird calls to expect and specifically what to look for in each month of the year. Stunningly illustrated yet simple to use, "The Complete Back Garden Birdwatcher" will ensure that you get the maximum pleasure from your garden, whatever its size or location.

Nikon Birdwatching Binoculars

Nikon Binoculars for Birdwatching
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