Middleton Lakes

Birdwatching at Middleton Lakes West Midlands. Free birdwatching magazine

Situated in the Tame valley, just south of Tamworth on the Staffordshire/Warwickshire border, Middleton Lakes opened in 2011. The area is regionally important for overwintering wildfowl such as pochards, tufted ducks and smews. Middleton Lakes will become the most important site for breeding waders in the Midlands. The lakes, reedbeds, meadows and woodlands make it one of the best birdwatching sites in the area.  

Middleton Lakes provides and protects a variety of habitats on reclaimed gravel extraction land in the Tame Valley, just south of Tamworth. These include open water, wet grassland, reedbed, meadow and woodland.

The reserve provides a valuable natural environment for both locals and the wider Midlands community.

One of the reserves highlights in the large heronry (30 birds +)  and resident cetti's warbler , which are joined in spring by other warblers. Visitors should also expect to see barn owl, waders such as avocet and possible hobby.

Inset Picture: Middleton Lakes RSPB reserve is a 160 hectares nature reserve, formally opened on 19 May 2011.Mat Fascione

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